Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dynamic strike preparation: move the morning with breathing

54-year-old man with a history of smoking presented with acute chest pain at another hospital, where he was a chest radiograph obtained as part of diagnostic tests. Mass in the right lung was incidentally detected on the slide. He was referred to the hospital, where computed tomography of the chest revealed a soft tissue mass in the right-lower lobe, which was in contact with the rear wall of the chest. Since the contact area greater than 5 cm in length, there was concern over the chest wall-invasion. Cine magnetic resonance imaging scan, obtained using real-time echo technique (with 1.5-T system, slice thickness, 8 mm, recovery time, 1 msec, echo time, 2.4 msec, and flip angle, 45 degrees), it was found that the weight moved up and down freely breathing, excludes the possibility that the mass invaded the parietal pleura and changing diagnosis of tumor from stage to stage IIb, Ib. Right lower lobectomy was performed, and pathologicalexamination confirmed that the mass was adenocarcinoma, without invasion into the visceral pleura, and no nodal involvement. Treatment was considered to surgical treatment, and 11 months later, there was no evidence of recurrence.

Relate Link : !: Mesothelioma Diagnosis !: New Mesothelioma Treatment Ideas !: Hint Mesothelioma Litigation !: Interview Stage 3 Lung Cancer

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