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Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Pimp My Funeral: Adenocarcinoma
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Price The Virus and the Vaccine: Contaminated Vaccine, Deadly Cancers, and Government Neglect
Second, there's the important lessons for all of humankind factor: Scores a 10 in this department as well. Polio vaccine is a human invention; human beings are not infallible, they have never been infallible, and by extension there never has been nor will there ever be a human invention that is not prone to errors in human thinking, reasoning, and judgment and not subject to continuous improvements and/or great change as human knowledge advances.
Despite this undeniable truth, large health organizations and government health agencies would like the public to believe a very one-sided message about polio vaccine: that it is a medical milestone worthy of great praise and worship as it has delivered mankind from the evils of the childhood affliction of polio. Amen.
But that's only half the story. This book is about the other half - the one you won't read about in the press and that's about a great trade off of the polio vaccine. In exchange for reducing the rate of paralytic polio instances in childhood, has this wondrous medical marvel cut decades off many of our friends' and neighbors' lives? We all know people, some of them really great people, who died of rare and mysterious cancers in their 30s, 40s and 50s. They were diagnosed with cancer and as soon as treatments began their tumors spread fast and they succumbed quickly to their strange form of cancer. They left behind spouses, children and parents who will never be cared for by them in youth and old age.
I'm not suggesting that all, most or even some of these deaths are a result of SV-40 contaminated polio vaccine, but we are not in a position at present to ever know for sure as the party-line from the organizations who are supposed to protect public health continues to be that SV-40 in polio vaccines has not been proven to cause harm to man.
Please read this book and encourage other thinking people to read it too. There are many lessons that can be and should be learned from the polio vaccine history and SV-40 story. You'll also come away with new modern-day heroes who, unlike so many of the icons of today, are truly worthy of your respect and admiration. There are the scientists and researchers like Bernice Eddy, Michele Carbone and others who did and continue to do the right thing despite the many pressures to not stir up this pot. And then the biggest heroes of all in my mind are the authors for taking the time and dedicating years of their lives to accurately tell this great story...the true story that plain and simply has to be told.
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Best Buy The Virus and the Vaccine: Contaminated Vaccine, Deadly Cancers, and Government Neglect
I had to put the book down in the middle for a week or so,I was so outraged at the governments denial of this simian virus 40 and how they trashed,fired,and vilified every researcher that found SV40 in cancer.
I am a medical professional so the book was not too difficult to understand,but I would not recommend it to someone who sticks to "light reading."
Got 15 pages more but needed a break.I am supposed to get flu shots but will be looking at syringes full of vaccine with a much warier eye.
Anyone remember the "hog flu" during Fords administration that was supposed to be a horrible epidemic? It turned out to be nothing and people were getting awful (like Guillan-Barre) side effects from it.
Cripes,I need a punching bag.I guess the NIH will have to do.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Buy Libby, Montana: Asbestos and the Deadly Silence of an American Corporation
Yet the mesothelioma lobby would want you to believe that asbestos--which is a mineral known since ancient times--will kill everybody unless it's totally removed.
This reporter tries to ape Aron Brockovitch, and plays up to the hype. In fact, it gives just one side of the story. The other side is this: the people at Libby supported asbestos while the going was good, yet when demand died down, they turned against it. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. Harsh but true. BTW, I have nothing against cancer sufferors, just pointing out that there's a lobby of lawyers who make a killing filing lawsuits on behalf of mesothelioma victims. And this book plays to that lobby.
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Monday, October 4, 2010
Stage Two Colorectal Cancer Turned Terminal After Chemotherapy
Henry (T 546, not real name) is a 52-year-old male. Sometime in August 2004, his problem started with changed bowel habits and there was blood in his stools. An endoscopy revealed sigmoid colon cancer. Henry underwent a surgery to remove 10 inches of his infected bowel. It was a Stage 2 cancer. CT showed that his liver and spleen were normal in size and appearance. Both kidneys and adrenal glands were also normal in appearance. The urinary bladder was normal. There was no pelvic mass or lymph node enlargement. The lung bases did not show any nodule. Based on these findings, the doctor concluded that there was NO evidence of distance metastasis.
Following standard protocol, Henry underwent six cycles of chemotherapy. The treatment lasted six months and was completed in February 2005. A follow up CT scan on 18 March 2005 revealed "possible metastasis in the left lung base" but the liver, both kidneys and urinary bladder were all normal.
In October 2005, Henry suffered severe pains due to suspected urine infection. A CT scan on 8 October 2005, indicated "left hydronephosis", which according to the doctor could be due to "a mid ureteric stone." However, the CT of the chest revealed at least five well defined nodules in both lung fields. This result clearly showed that Henry suffered multiple lung metastasis.
Earlier, the doctor suspected kidney stone. But it was not to be. A more detailed examination showed tumor in his left kidney. A biopsy report dated 31 March 2006 indicated moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of the left lower ureter. This was suggestive of metastasis from colonic primary. Henry was asked to undergo another surgery to remove the infected kidney but he declined.
On 4 April 2006 a colonic biopsy showed recurrence of the colon cancer. The doctor had to install a stent in his colon to prevent tumour from blocking the passageway. CT scan also showed presence of a 1.5 cm nodule in segment 8 of his liver. There was a tiny hypodense focus in segment 3 suspicious of a new lesion.
On 15 July 2006, a CT scan of the chest, abdomen and pelvis was done. It showed a 2 cm mass in the mid rectum extending up to the rectosigmoid junction. The report confirmed once again a recurrent carcinoma of the rectosigmloid region with local infiltration and metastasis to the lungs, liver and left ureter.
Henry underwent three cycles of chemotherapy and each treatment cycle cost him about RM 15,000. Unfortunately the treatment was not effective. The oncologist suggested more chemotherapy using a different drug regiment. This new treatment costs RM 25,000 per cycle. Henry had two cycles of this treatment and became completely bald. He developed acne with pus all over his face and some parts of his body. He was given antibiotics by a dermatologist but his condition worsened.
On 7 March 2007, MRI of the lumber spine indicated multiple focal bony metatasis involving the sacrum and illium. There was also direct involvement of the urinary bladder. A biopsy of the bladder tumor done on 30 March 2007 indicated a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma and was likely to be an extension from a colorectal tumor. In essence, Henry ended with more cancer spread -- this time to his urinary bladder and bone.
Henry said his doctors installed three stents in his body -- two colonic stents and one stent for his kidney to prevent further tumor blockage. Henry was asked to undergo more chemotherapy or radiotherapy. He declined and came to seek our help instead.
Comments: This is a sad story indeed. Let me point out that Henry started off with a Stage 2 colorectal cancer without any metastasis whatsoever. After surgery and chemotherapy his fortune turned for the worse. Compare this story with other Cases that I have related earlier. These people had more serious cancer than Henry but they declined chemotherapy. And they did not have any recurrence or metastasis. The question is: "Why not recurrence or metastasis."
This has always been my hunch all along after observing patients for more than a decade: "Could chemotherapy have caused all these metastasis and havoc?" I have no way to argue because I have no data to support by observation. However, let me alert you to the three quotations below:
A small, insignificant column in The Star on 7 April 2007 had this heading: "Study: Treatment may fuel cancer's spread." The study reported in the Journal of Clinical Investigation by Dr. Carlos Arteaga and colleagues at Vanderbilt University, USA, showed that treating cancer with surgery, chemotherapy or radiation may sometimes cause tumors to spread. In their work they used doxorubicin (a common chemo-drug used for breast cancer) or radiation and found that these treatments raised levels of TGF-beta, which in turn helped breast cancer tumors to spread to the lung. The researchers wrote: "The repopulation and progression of tumours after anti-cancer therapy (such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery) is a well-recognised phenomenon." Is this research relevant to Henry's Case?
Andrew Weil wrote (in Health and Healing): "There is never ending struggle. Patients are sucked into same way of thinking, finding themselves more and more dependent on the system giving one treatment after another." How true are these words as applied to Henry's case?
Professor Jane Plant (in Your Life in Your Hands) wrote: "This sounds like a battle between the disease and the treatments -- with the patient as the battle ground. Conventional cancer treatment can process patients to the extent that they no longer understand what is really being done to them."
Let me end by these words: For colon cancer, the way to go could be just a change of one's lifestyle and diet besides taking herbs. It could prove to be far more effective and humane than the so-called scientific medicine. Read the cases I have presented so far and make your own conclusion.
Note: After three weeks on herbs, Henry reported that his health had improved and he decided to continue taking the herbs.
My Links : !: Mesothelioma Diagnosis !: Answer Chrysotile Mesothelioma !: Learn Adenocarcinoma Lung Cancer
Monday, September 20, 2010
Insulation Handbook
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Plan, implement, and troubleshoot any type of insulation application
Invaluable to anyone who wants an in-depth understanding of thermal insulation, Insulation Handbook, by Richard T. Bynum and Daniel L. Rubino, is a thorough guide to all the important methods, materials, and concepts associated with it, along with sound problem-solving advice. You'll slash construction time and costs while maximizing energy efficiency with this A-Z overview of residential installation. The authors, experts with hands-on construction and design experience, provide the rock-solid help you need to:
Evaluate the pros and cons of today's most commonly used materials -- including loose fill, batts, blankets, spray-on, and boards – as well as cutting-edge technologies still under development
Decide upon the best insulation strategy
Work within the framework of codes, standards, and regulations
Achieve optimum thermal comfort in any home
Understand innovative insulation systems such as ICFs (insulated concrete formwork), SIPs (structured insulated panels) and drainable-type EIFs
Prevent damages caused by moisture accumulation
Solve the problems presented by asbestos and other dangerous materials
Obtain information from manufacturers and suppliers
!1: Best Buy The Insulation Handbook, my third book, explores a full range of insulation materials and methods in one complete resource. The 500 page text contains over 140 illustrations along with a resource guide to facilitate correspondence with the product manufacturers of the materials discussed. Although the book is geared toward the residential architect and homebuilder, the informative and easy-to-understand writing style allows the text to be easily understood by the homeowner and architectural intern without sacrificing technical information.
As everyone knows, electric bills, gas bills, oil bills, HVAC repair bills, etc., are an everyday part of homeownership. As most homeowners, contractors, designers and architects already know, there is no magic pill to swallow in order to avoid the monetary realities in obtaining thermal comfort. But there is joy to be found in knowing the homeowner's most precious commodity is constructed using the most efficient, most environmentally responsible, most vermin resistant or maybe even the least expensive method available. There are a number of reasons as to why this book should be an essential part of a professional library. Geared as a resource in the evaluation of the many different types of insulation materials, The Insulation Handbook demonstrates that R-value is no longer the only consideration when choosing residential insulation. Other properties that now demand, and deserve, proper review are the material's cost, fire resistance, mold resistance, insect resistance, vermin and moisture transmission, environmental benefits, health impact as well as the ease and appropriateness of its application.
The organization of the book's text is simple and logical. The concepts of thermal comfort, vapor transmission, insulation principles and building codes provide the reader with a solid understanding of the "how's and whys" of building insulation. The chapters that discuss specific insulation materials are organized by application method; such as loose fill, blanket types, sprayed-in-place, foamed-in-place and rigid board products.
The scope of The Insulation Handbook goes beyond conventional insulation materials. Historical products from the early to mid-20th century, such as asbestos, insulating board and urea formaldehyde foam insulation (UFFI) are examined. Alternative strategies and materials are also discussed at length. Reflective insulation systems, as one example, demonstrate the use of a system of reflective sheets (radiant barriers) and air spaces that act as insulation when designed together. Also discussed are ceramic coatings, earth wall construction, straw bale construction as well as engineered systems such as in structural insulated panels (SIPs) and insulating concrete formwork (ICF).
I have also investigated some of the insulation materials that designers may encounter in the foreseeable future. Not only are these technologies a significant departure from conventional thermal mass-type materials, they are generally thinner, lighter and possess much higher R-values than common insulation materials available today. For example, a silica aerogel, in a 90 percent vacuum, has a thermal resistance of R-20 per inch. Other products, such as vacuum insulated panels (VIPs) can attain R-values of R-16 to R-40 per inch at room temperature.
The transfer of energy, heat, air and moisture is never-ending. My task as an author was to make the extreme amount of information available so that we, as architects, designers and builders can make informed and wise decisions regarding the critical selection of an insulation method. It has become paramount to understand why the proper installation of insulation materials is so critical to the life cycle cost of a structure and the thermal comfort of the occupant.
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Sunday, September 5, 2010
Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment Of Epithelioid Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a serious cancerous disease with low survival rates in spite of various new treatment options which have helped in increasing the longevity. Statistics indicate that the average survival period after diagnosis is about one year. The period might increase up to two years if the treatment is done aggressively. It has been found that more than 95% Cases, mesothelioma occurs due to asbestos exposure.
Most people were earlier unaware of the danger caused by asbestos exposure as the mesothelioma occurs after about 20 to 40 years after being exposed to asbestos. Owing to this reason, this disease was also called as an `old person's disease' as people in 60's or 70's usually contract this disease. Higher prognosis help patients undergo better treatment and in turn better life expectancy.
Epithelium is a tissue separating different regions of the body. Like in the Case of epithelial cells found in the skin detaches the outside of the body from the inside of the body. This serves varied responsibilities like protection, absorption, filtration, excretion, secretion or sensory reception.
Causes and symptoms:
The most common cause of epithelioid mesothelioma is asbestos exposure where the fine particles and which are found thrown in the air either through sawing or cutting. In epithelioid mesothelioma the membrane lining of chest cavity, lungs, heart or abdominal cavity gets affected. In the Case of epithelioid mesothelioma the survival period of the patient is about eight and a half months.
The rate at which people suffering is as much as 50% to 70% of all cancer cells making it the most common type. It is identified based on the unique and organized cell structure which has tubular pattern with a specific cell nucleus. Usually there is a misdiagnoses of the disease as the cells in other forms of cancer look quite similar to epithelioid cells as adenocarcinoma is a type of cancer which is often confused with epithelioid mesothelioma.
Distinguished by a papillary or tubular growth, is the most common subtype of mestothelioma, there are many abnormal histological variants which have also been found which include adenomatoid and deciduoid patterns or tumors composed of small cells or mucin-positive cells, apart from mesothelioma with lepidic intrapulmonary growth.
Symptoms can occur after more than 40 to 50 years of being exposed to asbestos. It is most of the time mistaken for a common bout of asthma, pneumonia or bronchitis due to symptoms of chest pain and breathlessness. Patients can have a cough, weakness, tiredness along with inability to absorb nutrition causing weight loss. Also the most common is the collection of fluid inside the pleural space called pleural effusion.The breathlessness is caused when the tumor does not allow the lungs to expand and when it spreads further it results in severe chest pain.
A thorough diagnosis is needed prior to any kind of treatment for mesothelioma. As the latency period of this disease's appearance of the symptoms early diagnosis becomes a difficult proposition. It is usually done only at the advanced stage leading to a survival rate of about 8 to 9 months.
To find out whether an individual has to undergo various diagnostic tests like X-ray, MRI, CAT Scan, Transbronchial biopsy where a scope is passed through the trachea to the bronchi area of the lungs, thoracotomy where the chest is opened and checked between the ribs for any tumor, thoracoscopy where a video camera is used to check between the ribs or Centesis where pleural, peritoneal, or pericardial fluid is removed.
Best Link : !: Mesothelioma Diagnosis !: Mesothelioma Sugarbaker Tutorial
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Ultra small intestine (colon) cancer with metastases to the lungs
Thanks To : !: Mesothelioma Diagnosis !: Mesothelioma Adenocarcinoma Quiz
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Introduction to Health and Safety in Construction, Second Edition: The handbook for construction professionals and students on NEBOSH and other construction courses
±1±: Now is the time Introduction to Health and Safety in Construction, Second Edition: The handbook for construction professionals and students on NEBOSH and other construction courses Order Today!
Introduction to Health and Safety in Construction covers the specific challenges faced by the construction industry as well as the basics of occupational safety and health in general. The coverage of this book has been directly matched to the Certificate course in Construction Safety and Health from NEBOSH. However, the comprehensive coverage of health and safety topics in a construction context make it relevant for other courses in Construction Design and Management, Construction Safety and Health, and the Built Environment, both in the UK and overseas, as well as for construction professionals who are looking for an introduction to health and safety which addresses the specific problems encountered in their industry.
In its second edition the book has been updated to incorporate changes in legislation, regarding:
- Noise
- Vibration
- Work at Height
- Fire Safety
- Construction Design and Management
- Asbestos
The text is highly illustrated in full colour, easy to read and includes self-assessment questions taken directly from NEBOSH examinations. A chapter on study skills offers support for professionals returning to study. The text is also supported with checklists, report forms and record sheets, making it a valuable reference tool for construction managers, supervisors, designers, building and civil engineers to consult on the day to day issues of health and safety.
* Fully covers the syllabus for the NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Safety and Health
* Student-friendly presentation in full colour packed with illustrations and photographs
* Includes a summary of the main legislation, ideal as a reference for students as well as for all managers in the construction industry
Read More Full Content...
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Friday, July 23, 2010
Reflux Esophagitis
The predominant presenting symptom of reflux is burning chest pain (heartburn) resulting from recurrent mucosal injury, frequently worse at night, when lying supine, or right after consumption of foods or drugs that diminish lower esophageal valve tone. Typical causes of reflux esophagitis are those problems that outcome in persistent or repetitive acid exposure towards the esophageal mucosa.
These consist of disorders that increase the rate of spontaneous transient reduced esophageal sphincter relaxations or impair reflexes that usually adhere to transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations having a secondary wave of esophageal peristalsis. Problems that increase gastric volume or pressure (eg, partial or total gastric outlet obstruction and problems that improve acid production) also lead.
Occasionally, reflux esophagitis could be caused by alkaline injury (eg, pancreatic juice refluxing through both an incompetent pyloric valve along with a relaxed lower esophageal sphincter). Hiatal hernia, a disorder by which a portion from the proximal abdomen slides into the chest cavity with upward displacement from the lower esophageal valve, can lead towards the development of reflux.
Normally, the tonically contracted lower esophageal sphincter offers an effective barrier to reflux of acid from the stomach back into the esophagus. This really is reinforced by secondary esophageal peristaltic waves in response to transient reduced esophageal sphincter relaxation.
Effectiveness of that barrier could be altered by loss of lower esophageal valve tone (ie, the opposite of achalasia), increased frequency of transient relaxations, reduction of secondary peristalsis right after a transient relaxation, increased stomach volume or stress, or increased manufacturing of acid, all of which can make more likely reflux of acidic stomach contents sufficient to trigger pain or erosion.
Recurrent reflux can damage the mucosa, resulting in inflammation, hence the term "reflux esophagitis." Recurrent reflux itself predisposes to further reflux simply because the scarring that occurs with healing from the inflamed epithelium renders the lower esophageal valve progressively less competent being a barrier.
Even though typically a consequence of acid reflux, esophagitis can also outcome from reflux of pepsin or bile. In most instances of esophageal reflux disease, a typical pathophysiologic thread could be identified. Recurrent mucosal damage results in infiltration of granulocytes and eosinophils, hyperplasia of basal cells, and at some point the improvement of friable, bleeding ulcers and exudates over the mucosal surface.
These pathologic modifications set the stage for scar formation and valve incompetence, predisposing to recurrent cycles of inflammation. Elevated frequency of transient reduced esophageal valve relaxations might be partly in response to increased gastric distension. Normally, transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations are accompanied by elevated esophageal peristalsis.
Individuals with defects in excitatory pathways that promote peristalsis might, consequently, be at elevated risk for the development of esophageal reflux. Changes in the kinds of prostaglandins created by the esophagus are already noted in reflux esophagitis, possibly contributing to impairment of healing and predisposing to recurrences.
In contrast to other types of acid-mediated injury, H pylori infection does not appear to lead to the improvement of reflux or esophagitis. Heartburn is the usual symptom of reflux esophagitis, typically worsening on lying prone. With recurrent reflux, a array of problems may produce. Probably the most typical complication may be the development of stricture within the distal esophagus.
Progressive obstruction, initially to solid food and later to liquid, presents as dysphagia. Other problems of recurrent reflux include hemorrhage or perforation; hoarseness, coughing, or wheezing; and pneumonia consequently of aspiration of gastric contents to the lungs, particularly throughout sleep.
Epidemiologic studies recommend that cigarette smoking and alcohol abuse associated with recurrent reflux outcome in a change within the esophageal epithelium from squamous to columnar histology, termed Barrett's esophagus. In 2-5% of Cases, Barrett's esophagus leads towards the development of adenocarcinoma.
Friends Link : !: Mesothelioma Diagnosis !: Comment Mesothelioma Cancer !: Mesothelioma Support Life Tips
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Sputum Samples & Lung Cancer
See Also : !: Mesothelioma Diagnosis !: Solve Mesothelioma Definition
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Pimp My Funeral: Adenocarcinoma
Best Link : !: Mesothelioma Diagnosis !: Mesothelioma Cancer Attorney Tips !: Comment Diagnosis Of Mesothelioma ±1±: Asbestos Insulation
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Cancer survivors USA Episode 2 Part (Stage IV melanoma)
Related : !: Mesothelioma Diagnosis !: Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawsuit Help
Monday, June 7, 2010
Lung cancer, maybe?
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Dynamic strike preparation: move the morning with breathing
Relate Link : !: Mesothelioma Diagnosis !: New Mesothelioma Treatment Ideas !: Hint Mesothelioma Litigation !: Interview Stage 3 Lung Cancer
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
A549 cell lung gangrene band - Adenocarcinoma - Dual stained
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Saturday, May 15, 2010
Graviola - A Clinically Proven Miracle Herb For Cancer
Graviola is an exciting cancer alternative remedy which medicinal properties have been recognized for centuries by the native population of Amazon. Researches have been ongoing on graviola since 1940s, and still several pharmaceutical industries and universities are continued to explore the hidden healing power of this miracle herb.
Anti-cancerous effects of graviola have been demonstrated in various vitro studies, and because of its traditional usage it is touted as cancer fighting herbal supplement. Graviola's leaves, bark, seeds and fruit possess various health promoting properties that can be helpful for variety of health concerns.
Graviola contains many active compounds and chemicals which have numerous healing properties; one of them is natural phytochemicals known as annonaceous acetogenins which is the main focus of researchers. Some researches have confirmed that annonaceous acetogenins has potent anti-tumor properties and exhibit selective toxic property against tumor cells. Other clinical studies also demonstrated the powerful anticancerous, antitumorous, and antiviral properties of annonaceous acetogenins.
Recent studies have found that natural compounds of graviola, acetogenins have superb property to inhibit the enzyme processes that are specifically present in membrane of cancerous cells. Through this mechanism of action they are toxic for cancerous cells and don't create toxicity in healthy cells. Purdue University published a promising news in 1997, that Annonaceous acetogenins are not only effective in destroying tumor cells but also have ability to show resistance to anti-cancer agents and appear to have a unique affinity for such resistant cells.
National Cancer Institute has been also explored the toxic effects of graviola against cancerous cells in its plant screening program in 1976. In this plant screening program, it is illustrated that graviola stem and leaves demonstrated active toxic effects against cancer cells. In various vitro clinical trials, it has been studied that specific phytochemical acetogenins that are found in graviola herb, have been shown their selective toxic effects against various cancerous cells like lung carcinoma cell lines, prostate adenocarcinoma, breast tumor lines, liver cancer cell lines, pancreatic carcinoma cell lines, colon adenocarcinoma cell lines and multi-drug resistant breast adenocarcinoma. Other clinical findings conducted by scientists of Taiwan suggested that at very low dosages, annonaceous acetogenins of graviola exhibited highly toxic effects particularly to ovarian, breast, cervical, bladder and skin cancer cell lines.
Along with the antitumourous effects of graviola, it is also discovered that the compound annonaceous acetogenins which are found in graviola herb, also exhibit antiparasitic, insecticidal, and antimicrobial activities. The graviola (Annona muricata) leaves possess antioxidant potential and play a role as an effective radical scavenger and augments its therapeutic effects. Another clinical study on graviola also suggests that alkaloids present in graviola fruit showed antidepressants effects in animals.
Graviola cancer cure is still under investigation, but it is clearly inspiring that it is used world widely for its potential to cure serious ailments. Graviola extracts, Graviola powder other and Graviola supplements are easily available to promote optimal health and can be taken as general health tonic. But still further detailed researchers are needed to be conducted on graviola to prove that graviola is an ultimate cancer cure.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment Of Epithelioid Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a serious cancerous disease with low survival rates in spite of various new treatment options which have helped in increasing the longevity. Statistics indicate that the average survival period after diagnosis is about one year. The period might increase up to two years if the treatment is done aggressively. It has been found that more than 95% Cases, mesothelioma occurs due to asbestos exposure.
Most people were earlier unaware of the danger caused by asbestos exposure as the mesothelioma occurs after about 20 to 40 years after being exposed to asbestos. Owing to this reason, this disease was also called as an `old person's disease' as people in 60's or 70's usually contract this disease. Higher prognosis help patients undergo better treatment and in turn better life expectancy.
Epithelium is a tissue separating different regions of the body. Like in the Case of epithelial cells found in the skin detaches the outside of the body from the inside of the body. This serves varied responsibilities like protection, absorption, filtration, excretion, secretion or sensory reception.
Causes and symptoms:
The most common cause of epithelioid mesothelioma is asbestos exposure where the fine particles and which are found thrown in the air either through sawing or cutting. In epithelioid mesothelioma the membrane lining of chest cavity, lungs, heart or abdominal cavity gets affected. In the case of epithelioid mesothelioma the survival period of the patient is about eight and a half months.
The rate at which people suffering is as much as 50% to 70% of all cancer cells making it the most common type. It is identified based on the unique and organized cell structure which has tubular pattern with a specific cell nucleus. Usually there is a misdiagnoses of the disease as the cells in other forms of cancer look quite similar to epithelioid cells as adenocarcinoma is a type of cancer which is often confused with epithelioid mesothelioma.
Distinguished by a papillary or tubular growth, is the most common subtype of mestothelioma, there are many abnormal histological variants which have also been found which include adenomatoid and deciduoid patterns or tumors composed of small cells or mucin-positive cells, apart from mesothelioma with lepidic intrapulmonary growth.
Symptoms can occur after more than 40 to 50 years of being exposed to asbestos. It is most of the time mistaken for a common bout of asthma, pneumonia or bronchitis due to symptoms of chest pain and breathlessness. Patients can have a cough, weakness, tiredness along with inability to absorb nutrition causing weight loss. Also the most common is the collection of fluid inside the pleural space called pleural effusion.The breathlessness is caused when the tumor does not allow the lungs to expand and when it spreads further it results in severe chest pain.
A thorough diagnosis is needed prior to any kind of treatment for mesothelioma. As the latency period of this disease's appearance of the symptoms early diagnosis becomes a difficult proposition. It is usually done only at the advanced stage leading to a survival rate of about 8 to 9 months.
To find out whether an individual has to undergo various diagnostic tests like X-ray, MRI, CAT Scan, Transbronchial biopsy where a scope is passed through the trachea to the bronchi area of the lungs, thoracotomy where the chest is opened and checked between the ribs for any tumor, thoracoscopy where a video camera is used to check between the ribs or Centesis where pleural, peritoneal, or pericardial fluid is removed.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Prostate Cancer - A Survivor's Story Part 2
The operation
I reported into the hospital reception as requested on the afternoon of July 13 with the operation scheduled the following morning. I was taken up to the first floor and handed over to the ward staff. I was then shown to a private room not far from the nurses' station.
After a short time a nurse came in and said she was going to insert a IV line into my arm. An IV is a intravenous line or tube inserted directly into the vein to carry pain killers or medicine directly into the bloodstream. The nurse asked me to choose which arm I wanted the IV in, and having volunteered my left arm. She then turned my arm over and gave my wrist a couple of sharp taps to draw the vein and then inserted the needle. She then secured the iv line to my wrist for further use in the days to follow.
My wife stayed with me until early evening, leaving only to get something to eat downstairs at a coffee bar. I was fasting as ordered by the hospital. My wife left about 7pm, promising to return early the next. morning prior to the
I woke early on the day of the operation, shaved, and showered and then settled back on the bed to wait for the day's events to unfold. The nurses' station was just outside my room. I could hear the nurses greet each other as one shift arrived and the other shift prepared to leave after the ritual handover of the night's events. The next shift was greeted with the usual sounds of phones ringing and the never ending patient call bell alerts which had its own unmistakable loud buzz. which seem to echo down the corridor.
My wife arrived about 8am as promised bearing a few more personal items. We sat and chatted for about an hour before being interrupted by a nurse who announced she was going to take my blood pressure.
She wrapped the cuff around my outstretched arm, pumped the pressure up, and read the gauge, and noted the reading on the chart at the end of my bed. "Have you had anything to eat or drink this morning" she asked, and when told I was fasting ahead of an operation she said "Good" and promptly left.
My wife and I chatted off and on while we shared the morning newspaper. At about 10 am there was a flurry of activity as two nurses arrived in the room and announced they were going to take me down to the operating theatre. While one nurse busied herself with the bed the other produced something akin to a shower cap and placed it on my head. My wife and I said a hurried goodbye. The nurses exchange pleasantries with her, before manouvering the bed out of the room and I was on my way.
I was wheeled down a long corridor and into a lift and taken down to what appeared to be a holding area, somewhere it seemed near the operating theatre. The nursing activity here was more intense and concentrated. A nurse checked my identity wrist band, checked my name again, and scanned the chart at the end of my bed. Suddenly Dr Stapleton appeared, greeted me by name, and asked me if I was "ready to go?" In the meantime Computers were checked, charts read, and my blood pressure checked again. Another nurse checked my name and asked me what type of operation I was having.
I could feel the tension starting to rise within me as final checks were made. It was a little like being in a plane at the end of the tarmac awaiting clearance for takeoff. Your life was now in the hands of others.
Finally two nurses appeared and announced "ok here we go" and I was wheeled into the operating theatre. There were numerous people both men and women in the room. All were dressed in blue operating theatre coveralls with caps on their heads and busy with their respective responsibilities.
On one side of the room was a long table laden with stainless steel operating implements. A large bank of lights were above the operating bed. It looked very similar to what I had seen on television;
The nurses wheeled me over to the operating table in the middle of the room and asked me to manouver myself on the operating bed. I lay there trying to take in the atmosphere of a real live operating theatre, but barely had time to gather my thoughts before I was approached by the anaesthetist who I had previously met. He introduced himself to me again and announced he was going to put me to sleep. He then screwed something onto the IV line in my arm. I managed a quick look at the bank of lights above me and uttered a quick silent prayer for the Lord to watch over me. I remember no more. I was now at the hands of a skilled surgeon and his team for the next three hours.
I woke from the effects of the anesthetic slowly. I was conscious enough to realize I was being moved from one location to another and was I was aware of the busy activity around me. I discovered later that I was being moved from the intensive care unit where they had taken me following the operation, back up to the ward.
Gradually the full impact of the operation dawned on me. I was laying on my back with a the intravenous tube attached to my wrist and trailing off somewhere above me. I was also linked up to a heart Monitor, where heart and blood pressure activity was Monitored. When I moved slightly I was conscious of other tubes trailing across my legs. I was also in some discomfort from the waist down. I was going nowhere. As I glanced around I could see my wife standing to one side of the room whilst the nurses busied themselves around me.
Dr Stapleton then appeared at the end of my bed. " Ian" he said, "Everything went well you are going to be fine" I muttered a quick " Thank you" and the surgeon left as quickly as he had arrived. I resumed my thoughts trying to get a handle on my physical condition.
My thoughts were interrupted when a nurse asked me if I would like a drink of water. I gratefully accepted but before I had time to put the cup down something erupted deep inside me. "I am going be sick" I gasped, and a quick thinking nurse grabbed a bowl and held it under my chin.
The vomiting reflex caused every muscle and the newly sown stitch wound my lower abdomen to scream out in pain and discomfort. I thought I had ripped my stomach open again, and visualised another trip back to surgery. I managed a quick glanced at the result in the bowl and was horrified. A dark brown and red liquid presented itself. I slumped back on to the pillow. "What is that" I asked painfully. The nurses explained it was normal after this type of operation and that there was some blood present. A second wave of vomiting then occurred, with the same painful and ugly result. One of the nurses then returned with a small Tablet. "This will help with the vomiting" she said. I accepted the Tablet and lay down again exhausted and hurting internally. At this point my wife left obviously realising that talking had to be abandoned for another day. Thankfully the vomiting settled down and never returned. Day one was almost over and I was glad just to rest and try and get some sleep.
I was stirred from my light slumbering in the early hours of day two with a nurse moving very quietly around my room. Occasionally the light from her torch would come on as she checked the Monitors and intravenous drips in my room. The nurse was barely audible as she moved from side to side and back again with an occasional flash of her torch. Finally I could bear the quietness no longer and I spoke.
"Oh" she said in a soft Asian accent "You are awake. This is good because I can give you a sponge bath before it gets too busy" Her voice was barely audible. I muttered an "ok" and left her to her nursing duties.
The nurse returned carrying a bowl and a towel, and somehow maintained her almost silent disposition.
In the silence she bathed my neck, arms and face, with warm water before drying me with a towel. I ascertained from her that it was 5am. With her shift finishing at 7am she probably had a lot to do and was glad to be able to commence this work early. Having completed her responsibilities with me she collected her sponge bath towels and quietly departed I imagined a spirit couldn't move more quietly than this nurse, and looked forward to daylight and a normal chat.
I didn't have to wait long. By 7.30 am the next shift of nurses appeared on the scene. One of them was a high spirited young woman who bounced into my room full of the joys of life and announced her name as Jenny. Jenny was the opposite of the Asian lady who was in my room earlier and for a moment her highs spirits and rapid movement around my room irritated me. After she had departed I decided to investigate what was happening under the sheets. I was horrified. I wasn't feeling in high spirits and my attitude took a dive when I peered under the sheets.
Besides being tethered by a intravenous drip to my arm, I was also tethered by a catheter, a tube which drains blood and urine from the bladder through the top of my penis and branching off to two bags which hang on the side of my bed.
One of the bags was an overnight bag bag where urine is drained from the bladder. This bag fills automatically as the bladder drains and the nursing staff replace it when needed. The other bag can be detached from the overnight bag and is carried around with you, however for the time being I was going nowhere.
However it was the state of my genitals which alarmed me..They were black and grotesquely swollen. They looked like I had been in a fire and been burnt badly. It was about then I started to feel sorry for myself. Every movement was met with resistance from the lines I was attached to. The catheter was the most painful. It was in one of the tenderest parts of the body, and it wasn't too long before I called to a nurse for help.
My spirits were dashed even further when Jenny the "Joys of life" nurse who I had now nicknamed, burst in to the room. I announced my discomfort to her.
Jenny peered under the sheets, winced and exclaimed "Ooh wow!" She had seen the black and swollen private parts of my anatomy and was genuinely in sympathy. " Ooh!" she said " Would you like a massage" and laughed. I told her she was cruel and to come and repeat that in 12 months time.
Jenny turned out to be a sympathetic nurse who responded quickly to my complaint and often applied a numbing gel to ease my discomfort. I missed her when her shift finished and another shift came on.
So concerned was Jenny that I heard her ring Dr Stapleton that night and describe the sight she had seen.
I felt relieved that someone was concerned enough to ring and follow up her concerns. My hopes of any sympathy from the surgeon were short lived the next morning when Dr Stapleton called in. Having been told of the discomfort I was in decided to look for himself. "Oh that's fine," he said " That's coming on nicely" was his only comment before he disappeared out of the room. Having operated on hundreds of men he had summed up his handy work quickly. I don't remember saying thank you as he left.
Visits from family members and work colleagues were part of the daily routine. A Physiotherapist also called in to make sure my breathing and lungs were OK following the anaesthetic. He left a plastic device with two table tennis balls inside it. The aim was to blow into the mouthpiece and get the balls to the top of the devise thus assuring my lung capacity was in good working order. I was glad I didn't smoke.
Because of the earlier vomiting I was permitted only a broth for the first couple of days. The offering was awful. It tasted like it had been drained of any nourishment and tasted like warmed water. I started to crave hot vegetables and something substantial to eat.
The nurses' station was located just outside my room and the daily routines of hospital life could be heard from my room. Tea and food trolleys had their own familiar sound. One morning about two days after my operation I could hear someone pushing a trolley very early one morning. The woman would start at one end of the long corridor and make her way along to each room where she would knock on the doors and announce her presence with a loud "Tea, coffee, cordial."
The trolley she was pushing was laden with the morning offering and the noise of the combined cups saucers and plates crashing against each other set up a din that echoed down the corridor.
She would repeat the ritual at every door. After what seemed like a thousand calls she announced herself at my room and walked in. I waved her away impatiently. I am not sure,but I think I called her a terrorist. I hope she understood. I wasn't feeling myself..
The nursing staff were eager to get me mobile as soon as possible. After the first week I was encouraged to start walking again. The daily routine of struggling with two bags attached to my left leg just above the knee now began. Before I could move freely the overnight bag had to be detached from my leg and then reattached before going to sleep that night.
Walking was very tentative at first. Painful slow shuffles along the ward corridors became routine.
A highlight was the day I was allowed to eat a normal meal. I eagerly scanned the menu and was instantly attracted to a meal of carrots, potatoes,broccoli, patties and gravy. I have rarely enjoyed an offering so wonderful. It lifted my spirits just to be able to eat normally again and I reordered it again for the evening meal. Another milestone was achieved when I was allowed to have a shower. With eager anticipation I managed to free myself from the night bag. I still had the catheter bag attached to me and that was to stay.. I shuffled my way into the shower area. I was now beginning to manage the catheter bag well.
I unstrapped it from my leg and let it dangle away from the direct force of the shower.
I turned the hot water on and adjusted the cold water until all felt right and I stepped under. It was wonderful. I stood there allowing the warm soothing water to wash over me. I could feel my spirits lifting. I washed myself and reluctantly emerged feeling like a new man. It was great therapy.
I was now starting to appreciate visitors. My wife's employer had generously granted her as much time off as she wanted and she spent everyday with me. My sons and family were constant visitors. My work colleagues also came on a regular basis. There was always encouragement to get well and never any hint of frustration at my being away from the work situation. This continued during the next 8 weeks of recuperation. I felt grateful.
The catheter continued to be a source of discomfort. Nurses would be called day and night and asked to apply the numbing gel. Because of the catheter bag attached to my leg I couldn't sleep on my side, and I yearned for the day when I could roll over and sleep on my side.
Mobility was slow. Daily walks along the corridors on the ward were painful. I felt like I had been hit by a bus and shuffled along gingerly trying to extend the daily walking routines each day.
After six days in hospital I was allowed to go home. One of my sons called for me and I gingerly made my way out of the hospital. I was greeted by fresh air and sunshine. I thought of the many who enter hospital never to leave. Again I was thankful.
Gradually my strength returned and the day came when I was booked into have the catheter removed. I returned to the hospital and was taken to a room on the ground floor. My feelings of apprehension of having the catheter removed were offset somewhat with the thought that I would be free from having this tethered to my leg.
I was shown into a room and asked to put on a hospital gown and lie on the bed. I was told that a registered nurse would come and remove the catheter. After a nerve racking wait the nurse finally appeared and prepared to remove the catheter. I prepared myself for a painful experience.The nurse then asked me to take a deep breath and while I was distracted quickly removed the catheter. It was all over. A long thin plastic tube emerged from within me. I was thankful she did it quickly.
I was about to get off the bed when she told me to relax as that was just the start of the day's events. ' I have to be sure you can urinate satisfactorily before I let you go" she said. It was something that I hadn't thought about. My bladder had been traumatised and had to learn to operate on its own again.
The nurse went away and returned with a large jug of water. ' I want you to drink as much as you can" she said and I will measure it and see how you go" I was to press the buzzer next to the bed when I had finished. With that she left and I began drinking. After about the third glass nothing seemed to be happening to my bladder,and the situation was made worse when my wife told me I would have to have the catheter put back in if I couldn't go. It wasn't the news I wanted to hear.
I continued to take on water. The amount in the jug was getting lower all the time and my spirits were following.
I was getting very despondent when I gradually felt an urge. I couldn't believe my luck as the feeling of an increasingly slow filling bladder increased. With a bottle in hand to urinate in I headed into the toilet with feelings of anticipation.
Gradually my bladder began to work. I emerged with a small offering and a smile on my face eager to drink some more and be released at the next appearance of the registered nurse. In the meantime I had rang the bell as instructed.
More drinking followed more visits to the toilet and the smile on my face was getting bigger as the bottle started to fill up. After about an hour there was still no sign of the nurse and it crossed my mind to do a runner from the hospital.
Drink followed drink and the visits to the toilet increased as did the amount in the bottle. I could feel the smile on my face getting bigger. I was almost free. At last the nurse reappeared and I gleefully held up the bottle with some satisfaction,but the smile quickly evaporated when she announced it wasn't what she wanted.
What she wanted,she went on to explain,was to see how much I could pass in one effort not a cumulative effort that now confronted her. ' I have been buzzing you" I cried, "but no one came this is the result of a dozen trips to the toilet " I could feel my temperature rising.
The nurse could see I was getting agitated and asked me to return to the toilet and return with what I could pass. The intake of water had made this easy and I returned with the mandatory 20ml she was apparently required to have. " OK that's looks good" she said " I think you can go". I wasted no time getting dressed and leaving the hospital, however there was to be one last twist to this story.
One of the side effects of the nerve sparing prostatectomy is that for a time urinary incontinence is the normal side effect of the operation. Men are supplied with pads to wear while this is occurring but with pelvic floor exercises this is all but eradicated in most Cases.
Back to hospital
Before I had left hospital the surgeon had given me some Tablets to help with this drying up process but it was to have painful results.
A week after leaving hospital, my daily routine had been to walk around the reserve directly outside my home. As I slowly returned home one day about a week after being discharged it occurred to me that I hadn't urinated at all since lunch time and it was now 5pm.
I thought it may have been a lack of water so I started to drink some more. I then felt the need to pass water so went to the toilet but as much as I tried nothing happened.
The pain in my lower stomach was now starting to reach alarming proportions. Then it suddenly dawned on me that I couldn't urinate at all. I made my way out to my wife who was watching television and announced that there was something wrong. I couldn't urinate. " Quick ring the hospital" I said. The urgency of my tone caused my wife to spring into action. " You have the hospital number in your room" she said. With that I headed towards the bedroom half doubled over with pain. I reached the bedroom but the pain was beginning to take hold so much so that I couldn't concentrate on where I had put the hospital phone number.
I called to my wife and she could see I was in acute discomfort. She hurriedly rang the hospital and was put through to the ward where she explained the growing crisis.
The hospital then rang the surgeon who urged me to get under a warm shower in the hope of easing the pain and restarting the bladder. My wife got me into the shower but the pain was increasing. Another call was made to the hospital and they told my wife to "Bring him in."
By this stage I was doubled up in pain and beside myself. I urged my wife to explain to the cab company that it was urgent but because my wife used the cab company often to get to work only a code was used. The call is registered and passes automatically to a cab. "They won't know its urgent" I lamented. We proceeded to the front gate with the pain now excruciating. It suddenly dawned on me too that the Royal Show was on and that Saturday nights was probably the busiest night of the week on the roads. It could be an hour before a cab arrived I thought to myself and stood face down with my head on the fence.
I was about to suggest calling an ambulance when my wife said " Here it is" I have never been so glad to see a taxi I told the driver where I wanted to go and we set off. I tried not to show I was in pain but the discomfort must have been obvious. I nearly wrenched the handle off the cab door in agony and tried to breathe deeply and think of other things.
As expected the drive along Goodwood Road and past the show crowds was very slow. I couldn't blame the taxi driver. As we approached West terrace the prospect of getting through at least 12 sets of traffic lights alarmed me. I uttered another urgent prayer of distress and closed my eyes anticipating a stop start journey through the Western end of town.
With my eyes closes I mentally prepared to count the stops. We seem to have a good run initially but then the cab slowed and stopped. One, I thought to myself. The cab resumed but the pain seemed to be increasing. I glance up momentarily but we were still on West Terrace and a lot of intersections loomed. I closed my eyes again and waited for the next stop but we kept going. We are having a good run I thought to myself. My wife said something from the back seat but the pain shut it out. Suddenly we turned right and I remembered it was a quicker way through that part of town. We stopped at lights again but then had a clear run all the way to the hospital. I uttered another quick prayer of thanks e before paying the driver and thanking him profusely.
We hurried onto the ward where we were met by a nurse and shown to a room with a bed. " I was contemplating having to suffer another catheter when I suddenly felt as if I could urinate. I made my way to the toilet nearby and to my immense relief managed to pass a little urine. It wasn't much but the relief was wonderful. The decision was made to keep me in overnight. The decision on my part was met with enthusiasm. At least I was near help.
As the night wore on I found I could urinate more and more and things had started to settle down.
By morning I was passing water as if nothing had happened, but I was still eager to talk with Dr Stapleton who I was told would call in on his normal rounds that morning.
I lay on the bed feeling the tension draining out of me. I was about to drift off to sleep when Dr Stapleton walked into the room and greeted me in his usual pleasant tones.
I told him of the events that had unfolded and the drama that had occurred. I wasn't quite ready for his reply. " Oh that's normal" he said laconically " These Tablets we give folk to dry them up sometimes have that should be fine now" With that he left and I was left contemplating his reply.
Six months on and I am feeling fine with the mandatory PSA checks not even registering on the prostate Richter scale. My cancer has gone.
The nerve sparing operation which spares those erectile nerves have yet to be proven. But it is still early days.
The end.
!: Comment Stage 4 Lung Cancer !: Learn How Mesothelioma Clinic
Friday, April 30, 2010
Histopathology Lung - Adenocarcinoma
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Monday, April 26, 2010
Asbestos: Selected Cancers --2006 publication.
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Saturday, April 24, 2010
Lung Cancer and Blood
One of the most important symptoms of lung cancer is coughing up blood or haemoptysis. This can sometimes happen as an early warning sign of a cancer which might still be curable. Any person who coughs up blood should observe their GP for advice immediately because the disease has to be considered, principally if the person is a smoker over the age of 40.
Some symptoms of lung cancer are caused by direct effects of the primary tumor, to effects of metastatic tumors in other areas of the body, or to troubles of hormones, blood, or other systems affected by the cancer.
If the cancer develops in the airway, it might block airflow, causing breathing troubles. This can cause accumulation of secretions behind the blockage, predisposing the patient to pneumonia. A lot of cancers of lung have a rich blood supply. The surface of the cancer might be fragile, leading to bleeding from the cancer into the airway. This blood might consequently be coughed up.
A number of cancers of the lung make hormone-like substances that increase blood calcium levels. This influences nerves and muscles, making the person suffer weak and dizzy.
Various blood tests can be done to search for lung cancer "markers"-that is, elements in the blood that are related with the presence of the disease. For instance, it may be signified by abnormalities in the following:
- PTH (parathyroid hormone)-Blood levels of PTH or PTH-related protein possibly will assist to differentiate cancer of lung from cancer of the pleura or other diseases.
- CEA (carcinogenic antigen)-a cancer-specific immune system protein that is existing in several adenocarcinomas, including lung adenocarcinoma. Increased preoperative levels of CEA typically recommend a poor prognosis. A CEA level greater than 50 might reveal advanced stage lung cancer and ought to dishearten treatment by resection.
- CYFRA21-1 (cytokeratin fragment 19)-a protein marker of cancer.
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Thursday, April 22, 2010
Adenocarcinoma As a Main Type of Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is tumor arising from cells lining the airways of the respiratory system. Adenocarcinoma of the lung is one of the major kinds of cancers of lung, accounting for 32% of all Cases of the disease. It arises from the secretory cells found in the epithelium lining the bronchi.
The progression of adenocarcinoma is fairly unpredictable. In nearly all Cases, adenocarcinoma spreads slowly and leads to very few lung cancer symptoms. But it can also be very invasive, aggressively spreading by way of the body and causing fatality before it can be treated.
Its symptoms may consist of shortness of breath, the coughing up of blood, chest pains, fatigue, and unexplained weight loss. Adenocarcinoma is typically treated with lung cancer surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.
From the 1950s, the occurrence of lung adenocarcinoma started to rise relative to other kinds of lung cancer. This is partially because of the introduction of filter cigarettes. The usage of filters removes larger particles from tobacco smoke, hence reducing deposition in larger airways.
Most of this kind of cancer is found in smokers. However, it is the most common type of cancer of lung seen in nonsmokers as well. It is most frequent seen in women and people younger than 45. However, you are more likely to get adenocarcinoma if you: smoke cigarettes, breathe cigarette smoke, exposed to radon gas, exposed to asbestos, exposed to other carcinogens in the workplace.
Even if generally connected with lung cancer, adenocarcinoma is a kind of cancer that develops in cells lining glandular kinds of internal organs, like the lungs, colon, stomach, breasts, prostate, pancreas, and cervix. Another kind of adenocarcinoma, mucinous adenocarcinoma, accounts for simply 10-15% of all adenocarcinomas and is particular to aggressive carcinomas that are comprised of at least sixty percent mucus.
In order to overcome this deadly disease the doctor and the patient has to work as a team to fight the battle against this awful disease.
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